招生 » 学费 & 费用

学费 & 费用

登记、学费 & 2024-2025年的费用

A non-refundable registration fee of $950 is required to secure your son’s spot for the fall. This fee may be paid in a single payment at the time of registration or you may opt to pay $550 at the time of registration and the balance of $400 will be billed monthly over four months from August 2024 through November 2024.

After you create your FACTS account, you will be asked to select a payment plan. 可用的付款计划包括:
    1. 年度支付
      学费 and fees for the school year are paid in a single payment. This can be set up through the FACTS portal by choosing the annual payment option on your tuition contract. An annual payment can be made from the time of registration through August 2, 2024.
    2. 半年一次支付
      学费 for the school year is divided into two (2) payments. A Semi-Annual payment plan can be set up through FACTS by choosing the semi-annual option on your 学费 Contract. Your first tuition payment will be due no later than July 1, 2024, and the second semi-annual payment no later than December 1, 2024.
    3. 10个月分期付款
      学费 for the school year is divided into ten (10) monthly payments. A payment plan can be set up through FACTS by choosing the automatic payment option in your Contract. 从7月12日开始,每月分期付款10次, 2024, 到4月12日, 2025, 或8月1日, 2024, 到5月1日, 2025.
    4. 11个月分期付款
      Eleven monthly installments beginning July 1, 2024 到5月1日, 2024 OR 2024年7月12日至2025年5月12日.

Once you have completed your FACTS 学费 Payment Plan, please make a note of your payment schedule.  出于礼貌, FACTS will send you a payment reminder notice four days before the scheduled payment date.
Please make sure that sufficient funds are available; otherwise you will be charged a returned payment fee.  For any questions or assistance, please contact Jocelle Reyes at ext. 243号或开尔文·伍兹分机. 282.

The following fees, if applicable, will 记在你的FACTS账户上:
    • 运动参与费:  数量不同
      每项运动的费用不同. 每项运动都可能收取额外费用 & 可能有筹款要求. 
    • 运动员处理费:  $150
      Participation in athletics includes a $150 fee to be paid at the time of athletic clearance and the submission of a documented medical examination (“physical”). This annual requirement funds 行政 costs associated with athletic clearance and covers participation in multiple seasons of athletics in a year (fee paid once per year). The athletic processing fee is separate from participation fees for individual sports, which are determined by the athletic department (ranging from $200-$5,000).
    • 技术费:  $250
    • 家庭筹款义务:  $500
      The increasing cost of operating and maintaining 达米安高中’s programs and facilities exceeds what the school charges in tuition and receives from other fundraising activities. 帮助填补这一财政缺口, all Damien families are expected to fulfill a Family Fundraising Obligation by making a contribution of $500 or more annually. These financial contributions strengthen our school community, support the many educational and extracurricular opportunities for students, 并帮助保持学费负担得起. 看到 家庭的责任 for a full explanation of Family Fundraising Obligation.
    • 课外学习费用:  $100
      Participation in co-curricular activities includes an annual $100 fee to fund staffing, 行政, and operating costs associated with team/cohort-based co-curricular programs, 包括但不限于, 斯巴达团, 国际学士学位 Career-Related Programme, 运动医学俱乐部, 辩论, 机器人, 戏剧, 保龄球俱乐部. A $100 fee will be charged for each program in which students participate. Note: program participation may include additional costs beyond the $100 fee for items such as competition registration, 设备, 差旅费用, 以及教育材料, which are determined by program directors/moderators.
    • 事实,格兰特 & AID评估申请费:  $40
      The FACTS processing fee is only required when applying for a Spartan Grant.
    • 学费管理费用:  每年20 - 50美元 
      $20 annual fee for families who pay tuition in full in one or two payments. $50 annual fee for families who pay in three or more payments.
    • 家庭服务时间:  非自愿每小时35美元
      每个家庭每学年需要30小时. 看到 家庭的责任 参阅家庭服务时间的详细说明.
以下采购将 记在你的FACTS账户上:
    • 书籍、用品和课程费用:  $250-$1,000
      Book purchased (both text and digital editions) are made online. Used textbooks are available and the sale date will be announced.
    • Chromebook:  $100-$600
      Damien students are required to purchase a Chromebook computer for the 2024-2025 school year. For suggested Chromebook models, FAQ, and parent resources, 请按此.
    • 补领学生证:  $5
      Photos are taken during the first week of school for mandatory student ID cards. 更换卡每张5美元.
    • 校服 & 服装:  价格不等
      经批准的服装可通过以下方式购买 丹尼斯制服 或者通过我们的斯巴达精神商店. 达米恩对丹尼斯制服的学校规定是 AN00DH. Gently worn uniforms may be purchased through an on-campus uniform sale arranged by St. 莫妮卡的公会. 
    • 兄弟姐妹的折扣 (哥哥看着达米安):  $1,000
    • 姐妹学校折扣 (就读于波莫纳天主教或圣. 露西的):  $500
Accounts must be in good standing before a student can sit for final exams.

We are committed to working with you to clarify the financial aid process and explain payment options. Our financial aid committee strives to help as many families as possible. Please note and adhere to our application deadlines to maximize your consideration for aid.
所有的经济援助都是基于需求的. Students receiving financial aid must maintain an acceptable academic and conduct record. Aid is renewed annually and is provided through the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) and/or Damien’s Spartan Grant Program. Applications for both programs open in November prior to the new school year. 以便得到最大限度的援助, families are encouraged to apply for both CEF and Damien’s Spartan Grant.
For questions related to financial aid, please visit the 达米安助学金网页 或发邮件给Kelvin Woods (电子邮件保护).